Redfin Increases Fees 50%. “Advantage” Leaves Off Seller Subsidy. Oops.
Update 11/2012: Redfin does it again! Congrats! First they increase fees by 50% (post below in 2009), then 3 years later in 2012 they cut their rebate yet again, this time almost in half for a typical $475k homes. A 0.88% rebate, down from the 2008 2% rebate. And there is no more firm-wide published % for the r ebate, so the % rebate continues to drop quietly (based on a $600k home in April 2012, vs Nov 2012). Nobody will be the wiser. Unless you follow my blog.
So I’m a big fan of Redfin. I love their MLS search engine (better mapping vs. my faster and don’t worry, they love a good debate, as long as they get link love (helps with Google).
This is a 2 part story. 1) Redfin Increases rates and 2) Fuzzy Math on Redfin’s “Advantage” calculation.
Part 1:
Many people might not know, Redfin two months ago increased their buyer agent commissions by 50% (more…)
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- January
- 2009